Partner With Hawkins Mutes

If you are a Music Influencer, teacher, or gigging pro player with an audience, you can start earning money by sending your followers to purchase their mutes on the website. Joining the program is completely free and easy. 

How It Works

After you register to become our Affiliate (see form below), you will obtain your unique link to place on your Website, Blog, YouTube Channel, or in the bio of your Instagram/TikTok profile. As a registered affiliate, you will receive a generous 10% commission when your visitors click your link and make a purchase with us. 

Why Hawkins Mutes?

By providing links to on your website, your customers can access some of the world’s best mutes, with all their inherent advantages; fantastic sound, impeccable tuning across the range, easy playability, and a beautiful, modern aesthetic. The mutes are gaining an enthusiastic following among professional musicians, and are being played around the world.

It’s a recommendation your followers and students will appreciate. Fill in this short form to join up:

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